Laura Doggett

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Hi Everyone!  My name is Laura Doggett and this will be my second year teaching 4th grade at Franklin.  I am excited to be returning this year and am looking forward to working with the students, parents, and staff or our Franklin community.  A little about me....This is my 27th year of teaching!!  I have been in the classroom the whole time teaching in grades 2-8 and even P.E. at one point. I live in Peoria now but I grew up in South Carolina and spent most of my formative years in the Western Suburbs of Chicago. I enjoy spending time with my family and pets (2 kids, 2 dogs, and 2 cats).  I love to be outside hiking, biking, planting, reading, camping....all of the things!  I like to listen to music and watch TV.  My favorite show, right now, is the Masked Singer.  It's just corny and fun!

I have had a lot of years of experience but nothing like COVID-19 and Distance Learning!  This past six months have been challenging, rewarding, and even frustrating as I learn how to conduct my classroom online.  While many things are new to me, I know that some of you have not even had a chance to work much with the online learning sites for the district.  Don't worry!!!  I am here to help and we will all learn and get through this together. 

Please bear with me and the administration during the next few weeks.  This decision affects all of us.  My focus is, and always will be, the safety (first) and education of your children.

Mrs. Doggett

Phone: (309) 682-2693 (ext. 39306)

Email Mrs. Doggett